Anthony Zhou
Psychology, Economics, Programming, or anything interesting.

Understanding blockchain from a distributed computing perspective
Running programs on a single computer is great, but what if you want to run a program on multiple computers? For example, Amazon’s database is...
16 Jul 2022

Writing reliable software in a service-oriented architecture
In the process of starting a startup -- and writing code to make it work -- I've read a lot of advice. Thanks to the...
24 Mar 2021

Why you shouldn't use the AWS SDK in your front-end
Disclaimer: this article (as the title suggests) is full of personal opinions and does not necessarily reflect hard facts. After several months of hair-pulling errors...
9 Aug 2020

How I Built a Semi-Automated Matching System for Big & Mini
I co-founded Big & Mini in early April, as a nonprofit organization dedicated to combatting social isolation and creating virtual connections by matching older and...
13 Jun 2020

Get Involved: Open Source Technology Fighting COVID-19
The purpose of this document is to provide a guide to the open source initiatives working to fight the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Read on if...
3 Apr 2020

My Attempt at On-Device Machine Learning
In the past few years, on-device machine learning has taken the world by storm (or at least the worlds of some mobile app developers). The...
19 Mar 2020

Version Management with a JavaScript Service Worker
The JavaScript service worker API is a way to give online web apps offline functionality. By running in the background of the browser, service workers...
1 Jan 2020

How to Download an Image as a PDF using jsPDF
PDF documents are great because they preserve the format of a page. In other words, the content in a PDF document typically does not get...
12 Dec 2019

How to Scan a Barcode with Flutter
Here's how to set up a simple barcode scanning function, starting from a basic flutter app. In this tutorial we'll be using the [barcode_scan Flutter...
26 Nov 2019
