Anthony Zhou
Psychology, Economics, Programming, or anything interesting.

Writing reliable software in a service-oriented architecture
In the process of starting a startup -- and writing code to make it work -- I've read a lot of advice. Thanks to the...
24 Mar 2021

Why you shouldn't use the AWS SDK in your front-end
Disclaimer: this article (as the title suggests) is full of personal opinions and does not necessarily reflect hard facts. After several months of hair-pulling errors...
9 Aug 2020
How to be Productive This Summer
What do you want to accomplish this summer break? Let's say you want to do something meaningful. And yet, you may find that the weeks...
17 May 2020

Version Management with a JavaScript Service Worker
The JavaScript service worker API is a way to give online web apps offline functionality. By running in the background of the browser, service workers...
1 Jan 2020

How to Download an Image as a PDF using jsPDF
PDF documents are great because they preserve the format of a page. In other words, the content in a PDF document typically does not get...
12 Dec 2019

How to Scan a Barcode with Flutter
Here's how to set up a simple barcode scanning function, starting from a basic flutter app. In this tutorial we'll be using the [barcode_scan Flutter...
26 Nov 2019

How to make toast
Though not everyone can make a juicy Beef Wellington or perfectly crunchy macarons, well-toasted bread should be something we can all have. After all, the...
9 Sep 2018
